Art has a wonderful capacity for surviving everything, including speculators, snobs and true aesthetes.
Marta Gnyp
A collection is a world that enriches each of the pieces that make it up. Acquiring art is a great passion in which the collector displays his aesthetic vocation, investing much more than time and money. Each work implies a personal choice that, added to the others, will eventually lead to a unique vision with a specific profile. Therefore, the collector, in this own creative gesture, from his own knowledge, hobby, insight and often courage, creates a memory of history and of a moment in the world, which we at Inventarium consider valuable to highlight.
We offer an advisory service in contemporary art acquisitions. We have a backroom of works available from renowned artists, among which: Jacques Bedel, Luis F. Benedit, Eduardo Capilla, Karina El Azem, Tomás Espina, Miguel P. Harte, Gabriel Messil, Alexis Minkiewicz, Teresa Pereda, Anselmo Piccoli, Alfredo Prior, Clorindo Testa, Lorena Ventimiglia and Luis Wells.
Curatorships and collaborations
By virtue of our knowledge of the art scene, Inventarium offers a curatorial and exhibition production service. We take care of all aspects related to the management and publications that accompany the exhibitions, as well as curatorial and room texts.
These are some of the curatorships and collaborations of the last twenty years.
Le mille e una notte, Istituto Italo-Latinoamericano, Rome, 2005.
Fictions, Cronopios Hall, Recoleta Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2005.
Political crimes, Argentine Embassy, London, 2008.
Approximations, National Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires, 2008.
Más aproximaciones, Galería Wussmann, Buenos Aires, 2008.
Jacques Bedel at MACLA, Museum of Contemporary Latin American Art. La Plata. 2010.
30 Years of CCR (Testa+Bedel+Benedit), Cronopios Hall, Centro Cultural Recoleta. Buenos Aires, 2010.
In Praise of the Shadow, Sasha D. Espacio de Arte, Córdoba, 2011.
Elogio de la sombra, Galería del Paseo, Punta del Este, 2012.
La ira de Dios, Galerie Argentine, París, 2012.
Elogio de la sombra, Killka-Espacio Salentein, Mendoza, 2013.
Elogio de la sombra, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Salta, 2013.
Political Crimes, Rolf Art Gallery, Buenos Aires, 2013.
La tempestad, Sala J. Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, 2014.
Paradojas, Galería Henrique Faría, Buenos Aires, 2015.
Jacques Bedel. Fotografías, Galería Maman, Buenos Aires Photo, La Rural, Buenos Aires, 2016.
Jacques Bedel. Fotografías, Galería Maman, Buenos Aires, 2016.
Deus ex machina, National Museum of Fine Arts, Neuquén, 2016.
Rapsodias, Galería del Paseo, Punta del Este, 2017.
Ad infinitum, Galería Maman Fine Art, Buenos Aires, 2017.
Rapsodias, Museo Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba, 2018.
Rapsodias, Sala Matta del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile, 2023.
MMMM, March, Women, Memory, Malvinas, Casa de la Cultura del Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, 2023.